Fire safety engineering

Professionals with knowledge of the regulations and requirements prescribed Namad imen and basic functions are able to provide expert advice in this area.

Testing and Technical Certification

Namad imen enjoying a highly qualified professionals able to provide advice on the determination of the standard fire test coverage and availability, products are evaluated, review of technical documents, etc..

Advice and quality products

Namad imen Company using qualified experts able to provide advice in order to improve the quality of manufactured products to compete in the global market

About Namad Imen

Namad Imen Co. is established in 2013 to provide fire-science related services for construction projects and products based on competences and experiences of Iranian experts. Furthermore, as an exclusive agency of Effectis Era, we are honored to cooperate with fire safety engineers and experts all around the world from Turkey to France, the Netherlands and many other countries

Efectis is a company created in 2004 by CTICM in France and TNO in the Netherlands, to be the European leader in fire science, engineering, tests, inspection and certification. CTICM and TNO decided to merge their respective fire related activities (more than 60 years of experience) in one single European company, Efectis. In addition to France and the Netherlands, Efectis has offices and laboratories in Iberica, Turkey, North America and China

Namad Imen Co. offers its services to consultants, contractors, investors, manufactures, construction industry, Transportation industry, Maritime and ship industry, infrastructure and energy industry


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Based on its 65 years of experience, from small scale to large scale, from materials to construction, Efectis is assessing the fire performance of your products, systems or of your entire project, whatever is the domain (nuclear, transportation, dwellings, infrastructure, tunnels, high rise buildings, industrial process and storage, offices), whatever is the performance (fire resistance, reaction to fire, extinguishing systems, equipment, …)


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About us

Namad Imen Co. is established in 2013 to provide fire-science related services for construction projects and products based on competences and experiences of Iranian experts.


Contact Info

No 23, Laleh 3 alleym Ghamsari st, Shaghayegh blvd. Behroud sq, Payam blvd. Saadat Abat

Phone: +9821-22086837
